In April 2003 the University of Twente built
a SimQuest simulation "bewegen in diagrammen" for publisher EPN.
In 2000 CINOP built a SimQuest simulation "remweg
Bewegen in diagrammen
Bewegen in diagrammen or 'motion in diagrams' is a relatively small simulation with seven assignments in total. There are three contexts: one about contstant speed, another on braking (deceleration) and the final one is about acceleration. Students can see diagrams of place, speed and acceleration plotted versus time. A version of this simulation with more assignments is under development.
Click on the images to enlarge (a new window will open).

Remweg scooter
This simulation deals with the relationship between braking (deceleration), braking force, and braking distance. Students can examine the influence of initial speed, mass, surface (friction) on the distance that the scooter travels before it comes to a halt.
The simulation package includes multiple choice questions, open questions and optimalisation assignments.
If you want to download any of the simulations above, go to: simulations.
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